Overview of 3 Main Types of Cannabis (Marijuana) the Wonder Herb And Its Medical Uses And Benefits.


Summon says close your eyes and rethink deeper for a minute before reading…
Hey YOU must be crazy when fighting good thing for one bad side of it!  And by the way please don’t blame Cannabis when you mean to commit a sin because you controls it and it’s not it!
Haha anyway before I throw stones to you I’m inspired and just wanna share, sit back relax, have a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy reading my full article it might help you in natural sense that the incredible works it can perform at the absence of your doctor who always prescribe medical drugs . And hey you have 100% free will to decide which home remedies effective for you but the one I recommend you now is undeniably amazing herb in the nature where most people around the world despite its medical values against it. 

What Is Medical Cannabis (Marijuana)?
Medical cannabis, or medical marijuana, is cannabis and cannabinoids that are recommended by doctors for their patients. The term medical marijuana refers to using the whole, unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts to treat symptoms of illness and other conditions. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not recognized or approved the marijuana plant as medicine.

Quick Facts:
Scientists are also conducting preclinical and clinical trials with marijuana and its extracts to treat symptoms of illness and other conditions, such as:

  • diseases that affect the immune system, including:
    • HIV/AIDS
    • multiple sclerosis (MS), which causes gradual loss of muscle control
  • inflammation
  • pain
  • seizures
  • substance use disorders
  • mental disorders

There are three chemotaxonomic types of Cannabis(Marijuana): one with high levels of THC, one which is more fibrous and has higher levels of CBD, and one that is an intermediate between the two.

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1. Cannabis Sativa

Scientific name: Cannabis sativa
Higher classification: Hemp
Rank: species 
Cannabis sativa is an annual herbaceous flowering plant indigenous to eastern Asia but now of cosmopolitan distribution due to cultivation. It is placed in the Cannabis genus which belongs to a small but diverse family the Cannabaceae.
Sativa is the marijuana strain that people seem to like smoking the most. This plant grows quite large, reaching up to 15 feet in some cases. While it is not a really thick plant, many growers like it due to how tall it can grow.
Sativa is often dried, cooked and consumed. While many people either vaporize or smoke this strain, it is the norm for users to use this to get high. You are not going to get stoned from using this strain, but it does have an invigorating, pick me up kind of effect that leads to feeling happier, unlike its more sedating counterpart, Indica. It also can enhance your creativity, depending on the person.
This is the strain you use when you want to be up and active during the day since it raises your energy and opens you up to fresh, new ideas. If you are an artist of some sort, you may love this one. Sativa is known for a high ratio of THC to CBN the two primary active ingredients in cannabis.

Benefits – Combating ;
-mood disorders
*Sativa gives an energizing and stimulating effect.


2. Cannabis Indica.

Scientific name: Cannabis indica
Higher classification: Hemp
Rank: Species

Cannabis indica, formally known as Cannabis sativa forma indica, is an annual plant in the Cannabaceae family. A putative species of the genus Cannabis.
Cannabis Indica is a more solid strain in comparison to Sativa, but it does not have the height Sativa achieves. Indica strains generally grow between 3 to 6 feet tall (1 to 2 meters. It is a bushy plant with round healthy leaves, unlike Sativa. However, they both have marbled colored, soft seeds. Being that Indica is a short plant, this one is perfect for indoor growing.

Brief Origine Trace Root.
In 1785, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck published a description of a second species of Cannabis, which he named Cannabis indica. Lamarck based his description of the newly named species on plant specimens collected in India. Richard Evans Schultes described C. indica as relatively short, conical, and densely branched, whereas C. sativa was described as tall and laxly branched. Loran C. Anderson described C. indica plants as having short, broad leaflets whereas those of C. sativa were characterized as relatively long and narrow. Cannabis indica plants conforming to Schultes’s and Anderson’s descriptions may have originated from the Hindu Kush mountain range.

Comparison between Sativa and Indica .
The main difference is while Sativa takes some time to flower, Indica flowers much faster and can be influenced a lot easier by adjusting the light cycle to promote this phase. It is most commonly found above 30° N, in countries like Nepal, Lebanon, Morocco, and Afghanistan. The key differences between Indica and Sativa are the height of the plants, the length between buds, the size and shape of the leaves, the odor, the quality of the smoke, and the chemical properties themselves. In general, Indica is wide and robust while Sativa is long and thin.

This weed is a stoner’s favorite since it is more like a sedative and puts your entire body into a deep state of relaxation. It has so much CBN in it that this will surely take you there when you want to go far and beyond just a regular high. It has lovely healing qualities, and helps with:

– Insomnia
– Alleviating pain
– Inducing relaxation of muscles
– Muscle spasms
– Calming anxiety
– Headache, and migraine relief.
*Indica gives a stoned feeling. 

3. Cannabis Ruderalis.
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Scientific name: Cannabis ruderalis
Higher classification: Hemp
Rank: Species.
Cannabis ruderalis is one of the three primary cannabis species around today. Cannabis ruderalis is a low-THC species of Cannabis which is native to Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. It is widely debated as to whether or not ruderalis is a sub-species of Cannabis sativa. Some qualify ruderalis as a subspecies of cannabis sativa. There’s some evidence for this claim, as a 2005 study found that the genetics of this plant are somewhere between those of indicas and sativas.

Indicas and sativas are the most famous types of cannabis, but ruderalis shouldn’t be left out of the conversation. Ruderalis is a hardy weed that is used by cannabis breeders around the world. We have this herb to thank for auto-flowering strains.
You will rarely hear anyone talking about Cannabis Ruderalis, which is one of the primary varieties and has a pretty short stature growing between 20-25 inches in height. Similar to Indica, this plant has very thick foliage. This plant is usually found growing in northern regions of the world. 
Cannabis ruderalis is a low-THC species of Cannabis which is native to Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. It is widely debated as to whether or not ruderalis is a sub-species of Cannabis sativa.


Be careful when using,there are negative effects of smoking too much pot or using it for non-medicinal purposes. When overused or abused, pot can lead to dependency and mess with your memory and emotions.

What medications contain cannabinoids?

Two FDA-approved drugs, dronabinol and nabilone, contain THC. They treat nausea caused by chemotherapy and increase appetite in patients with extreme weight loss caused by AIDS. Continued research might lead to more medications.

What are abbreviations THC and CBD stand for?


The abbreviation “THC” stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol. It provides the psychoactive effects of marijuana, affecting the brain more than the body.


Cannabidiol, or CBD, is another psychoactive substance that is commonly used in medical marijuana. The two interact, with the CBD having an influential effect on the THC, meaning they could strengthen or weaken certain effects of THC.

Health Benefits To Be Discussed In The Next Article In Part 2:

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